Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Recent activities...

A lot of things that I've either never done or haven't done in awhile, I've done in the past couple weeks. It all started off with a trip to Monterey, and found my love for the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It was amazing to see sea life up close and got some great pictures. I would have to say that my favorite exhibit was the Jellyfish tanks. Here are a couple of my favorite ones
The beaches in Marina, Monterey and Carmel were just beautiful and are now my new desktop background collection on shuffle. Here are just a few to share with you =)

This past weekend was Labor Day and ever since I was a little girl my family went up to Lakeport, CA to celebrate up at our family cabins. This was the first year however, that this did not happen. For one reason or another we each did something different and it actually turned out to be a very nice weekend. It was a change that I wasn't so happy about to begin with but in the end can say that I had a great holiday weekend.

It started off with first going to my first musical, "Dreamgirls." Watching the production and listening to the songs some really touched me and got me to thinking. A couple of the songs were "I am Changing," "I Miss You Old Friend," "And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going" and of Course "Dreamgirls". I am a girl full of dreams and some of those dreams I still don't know but the whole world is ahead of me with open arms. A couple of these songs were hard to listen to because they tell part of my life and how I feel at times. It's fair to say that I've had my share of hard days lately, but I'm pushing on through and taking one day at time. Starting over is hard but sometimes it's best to get a fresh start and that's what I'm doing.

Anyways, back to my Labor Day activities, on Saturday I woke up bright and early and got ready to go to Sausalito Art Festival thanks to Denise getting us tickets we had no reason not to go =) It was an amazing festival and just to see how much talent some people have blew me back. Being creative and artistic is definitely a gene that I do not have and to see how people can envision such beautiful things is amazing. I guess I'll just balance out the world with my science and mathematical focused brain. =) There were so many things that I wished I could take home with me, just didn't have the $$$$ to put down and not think about it.

Sunday finally got to sleep in and then meet my mom and then went to get Steph and her mom, Sylvia. We headed to the Millbrae Art and Wine Festival and was it damn HOT! Thank god for layers because within 10 minutes I was down to just a tank top. What a difference in Festival from the Sausalito ones just the day before and right over the bridge. Millbrae Art and Wine Festival was nice but it was more of a street faire and a lot more "crafty." The food was killer and definitely satisfied my craving for fair food.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sunshine in San Francisco =)

So being back in the city has brought me back to my happy place. It's been absolutely beautiful in the city, and crazy HOT! I swear I left Sacramento to get away from the heat and it's like it just followed me here. Good and bad, I still get to work on my tan and not go back to pastey white. Always a good thing for me and the people around =)

San Francisco is truly one of my favorite places to be. I mean what more could a girl ask for than this beautiful background!

I love being able to catch up with old friends that I didn't always get to spend time with and spend time with my BFF! It's made me realize that I missed San Francisco more than I thought. The people I knew I always missed but just the atmosphere and the sense of "home." I know that this isn't where I want to be forever but right now it's just perfect.

I've decided that I'm going to have a couple goals while I'm here. First off, I want to finally walk the Golden Gate Bridge. I've lived in San Francisco pretty much my whole life, and have driven over it numerous times, tried to walk it once but it was FREEZING! This goal is very doable it's just a matter of getting up and doing it. Another thing I want to do is go to the Academy of Sciences and Exploritorium. I haven't been since I was in elementary school and I think that it would be a great outing for my nephew Joseph and me. I just recently went to a farmers market with my mom this past weekend, and loved it. It's so nice to be able to taste and smell what you buy before you buy it. Also to know that you're helping out smaller business' is always a plus, so I'm going to try and going to a farmers market at least once a month. I know that I'm not going to really be saving money doing this but getting it right from the source is unreplaceable!

Some unrelated San Francisco goals and more personal goals include. Find a job, get back into going to the gym and finally unleash the Zumba lover that I am, making a more conscience effort to what I am eating. I've always been happy with who I am but I'm at the point where I hate being limited as to where I can shop. I want to just walk into a store and know that I can just pick something off the rack and not have to worry about if it'll work with my "Brennick" thighs. The past couple months have been all about change so maybe it's time to change the outside me too!

Well dinner is almost ready and I still have to make some cabbage so toodles for now! Thanks for reading, until next time!



Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I miss....

These faces! Just a couple of the faces that I miss from Sacramento, but on to new things here in San Francisco. Like wearing socks, shoes, scarves and jackets all day in the middle of summer! Sounds great, right!? haha! Enjoy the cute faces, I wish I got pictures of all my favorite dogs from work before I left, but that just means that I'll have to go back and visit!


Bouzer - Italian Mastiff

Buddy - Golden Retriever

Georgie - Boxer

Romeo - Yellow Lab

Brodie - Golden Retriever

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Today is a new day!

As each day goes on and I embrace what the day will hold it's a great feeling knowing that I have an awesome support system. People that I always knew that would be there if I needed them have really shown me that this is indeed true. Of course there at times when I question if what I am doing is the right thing or am I just taking the easy way out. Then I coem to the realization that today is a new day and I can do whatever I want.

I can't remember the last time when I really had nothing holding me down and I could really do whatever I wanted. Honestly, it is kind of overwhelming when you have so many choices to pick from. The world is at my finger tips and although I always knew this was true it didn't always seem that way.

Closure has been a big part of my life the past week or so and when one door closes the next one opens. I'm not sure where this next door will lead to but I'm willing to walk right though and embrace whatever is on the other side. I know that it could be something that in the end is not right for me but I'll never know unless I try. I'm very lucky to have been brought up with a family that I know loves and supports whatever I do, even if they don't agree with it. They ultimately want me to be happy and are willing to let me to take on that next door even if they think another one may be the best decision. I've said this before but this time is for, ME! This pharse is somewhat new to me, as I've put people before me a lot of the my life. Learning what I want is so much harder than I expected it to be, but I'm willing to put in the work to figure it out. It's about damn time I do!

Until next time, enjoy your day!

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Hi fellow bloggers... So about a week ago I decided that I am going to move back to San Francisco and hit the reset button on life. There are a couple reasons for this move, but I think most important it's what I need right now in my life. I want to be the same happy Kelley again and not have to put on the "happy" face. There have been multiple times in my life that I've perfected this happy face and started to believe myself that I was happy, yet deep down inside I knew that I wasn't. Hence the reason for moving back to the once place that I last knew I was happiest, the place I left my heart at, San Francisco.

Not sure how long I will actually be in San Francisco for, but I do know that I have the best family and friends there to help me get back to the Kelley that I want to be. The plan right now is to move home and then move up to the Santa Rosa area. I've always loved that area and has everything that I need. Plus I hope to be moving with my awesome cousin, Kassidy and us together always means for a good time!

I realized the other day that in my head I had the next 5+ years mapped out and that in reality nothing in my head is coming to true, and that I'm prefectly at peace with that. There have been countless nights of tossing and turning just pondering what I wanted and didn't want. I still don't know exactly what I do want, but each day I learn a little more.

Well that's all for now.. til next time!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Shattered Pieces = Beautiful Beginning

Today I came across a blog that really got me thinking it said:

"I want you to know, no matter how badly your dream or your heart feels stattered, know that in those shattered pieces, is where the most beautiful treasures are waiting to make your heart sparkle! Many times hearts feel shattered, but in that broken-ness, just might be the sparkle to shine light on a new love, a new dream, a new hope" - Kandee Johnson

This couldn't be more true for my life today. I feel as if I am so broken down and ready for my sparkle to shine through. I've always believed that everything happens for a reason and God will only give you as much as you can handle. It is hard to see what the reason for that thing happening will be but in the end it will all work out. I am ready to glue my shattered pieces back together and start to make a beautiful masterpiece.

Well that's all I have to say for now.. Until next time, toodles!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Putting the Serenity Prayer to Use

Changes come and go, sometimes all at once and I think that's the hardest part with figuring out what to do. Growing up there was a crocheted picture on the wall with the words:

God, grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change

Courage to change the things I can;

And wisdom to know the difference.

I think that I've said this everyday for the past two weeks and it's just the honest truth. There is no use in trying to accept that change is happening and when you are in a position where you know something needs to change, changing it may be one of the hardest things you have to do. I've realized that change is really only short-term because after a couple days/weeks/months the change that took place is just part of your life and almost just the routine.

A change that I definetly do not want to accept is my sleeping habits. I used to be such a sound sleeper at night and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning, even if it was just a couple hours that I got. Now it seems that I wake up constantly during the night and I wake up feeling like I never even slept. I've tried different pillows, using more pillows or less. Tried sleeping on the other side of the bed. Sleeping in different positions, and so far nothing is working. I thought it may just be the change of not sharing the bed, but when I had a night to myself I slept great because I didn't have to worry about snoring or someone kicking me in the middle of the night. But something needs to change soon, any suggestions?

At work dogs a couple dogs were coming in and just looked as exhausted as I am. Here's a cute picture of Harley (Boxer) and Heinrich (Great Dane). Oh how I wish I could just curl up and sleep right now, maybe later, and hopefully tonight!