Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Today is a new day!

As each day goes on and I embrace what the day will hold it's a great feeling knowing that I have an awesome support system. People that I always knew that would be there if I needed them have really shown me that this is indeed true. Of course there at times when I question if what I am doing is the right thing or am I just taking the easy way out. Then I coem to the realization that today is a new day and I can do whatever I want.

I can't remember the last time when I really had nothing holding me down and I could really do whatever I wanted. Honestly, it is kind of overwhelming when you have so many choices to pick from. The world is at my finger tips and although I always knew this was true it didn't always seem that way.

Closure has been a big part of my life the past week or so and when one door closes the next one opens. I'm not sure where this next door will lead to but I'm willing to walk right though and embrace whatever is on the other side. I know that it could be something that in the end is not right for me but I'll never know unless I try. I'm very lucky to have been brought up with a family that I know loves and supports whatever I do, even if they don't agree with it. They ultimately want me to be happy and are willing to let me to take on that next door even if they think another one may be the best decision. I've said this before but this time is for, ME! This pharse is somewhat new to me, as I've put people before me a lot of the my life. Learning what I want is so much harder than I expected it to be, but I'm willing to put in the work to figure it out. It's about damn time I do!

Until next time, enjoy your day!

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