Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Putting the Serenity Prayer to Use

Changes come and go, sometimes all at once and I think that's the hardest part with figuring out what to do. Growing up there was a crocheted picture on the wall with the words:

God, grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change

Courage to change the things I can;

And wisdom to know the difference.

I think that I've said this everyday for the past two weeks and it's just the honest truth. There is no use in trying to accept that change is happening and when you are in a position where you know something needs to change, changing it may be one of the hardest things you have to do. I've realized that change is really only short-term because after a couple days/weeks/months the change that took place is just part of your life and almost just the routine.

A change that I definetly do not want to accept is my sleeping habits. I used to be such a sound sleeper at night and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning, even if it was just a couple hours that I got. Now it seems that I wake up constantly during the night and I wake up feeling like I never even slept. I've tried different pillows, using more pillows or less. Tried sleeping on the other side of the bed. Sleeping in different positions, and so far nothing is working. I thought it may just be the change of not sharing the bed, but when I had a night to myself I slept great because I didn't have to worry about snoring or someone kicking me in the middle of the night. But something needs to change soon, any suggestions?

At work dogs a couple dogs were coming in and just looked as exhausted as I am. Here's a cute picture of Harley (Boxer) and Heinrich (Great Dane). Oh how I wish I could just curl up and sleep right now, maybe later, and hopefully tonight!

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